Завдання для 3-ї групи

The homework for the lesson on October 24(Tuesday)

Перелік основних розділів( основ) англійської граматики можна подивитись тут. 

Для того щоб дивитися серіал з субтитрами треба завантажити .avi та .srtфайли в одну папку на своєму ПК. 

The task for the lesson on October 20(Friday).

Please, do the last 2 paragraphs, paying attention on the participles. 

The task for the lesson on October 17(Tuesday).

Here is a fragment of the exercise for Participle. Please, do the sentences 6-15.( or 6-20 if you have time and desire)

The task for the class on September 1(Friday). 

The post about Gerund in English you can read from here: 

The exercise on Gerund you can download from here: 

The task for the lesson on July 29( Friday)

Translate the Conditional Sentences from this exercise.

The task for the lesson on July 18(Tuesday)

About Passive Sentences in English you can read /download here:

Exercise for Passive sentences you can see/download here:  


1)Translate 3-4 sentences from each section.

2) Build the following sentences in Passive Continuous( Present)

Книга прочитана. Лист написаний. Робота зроблена. Матеріал 
відпрацьований (practiced). Гроші отримані. Товари відправлені.

The task for the lesson on July 11(Tuesday)
Information about nouns, adjectives and articles  in English +exercise you can see/download here: +see post on July 11 in the blog. 

The task for the lesson on July 4(Tuesday)
Exercise for Present Perfect you can watch/download here:

The task for the lesson on June 27( Tuesday). 

1) Exercise for Simple, Continuous, Perfect+Perfect Continuous in Present.


2) Questions to the 3rd part of  "My American Cousin" you can see/download here:

3) Questions to the 5th  part of  "My American Cousin" you can see/download here:
