Приклади побудови питань 1-м способом(
пара «підмет-присудок» змінюється
на «присудок-підмет» ).
She is a
teacher –Is she a teacher?
They are happy-Are they happy? Why are they happy?
We are the champions
? Are
we the champions? Who are the champions?
We were in
Poland On Sunday -Were you in Poland
on Sunday? Where were you on Sunday?
He can drive
a car-Can he drive a car? What can he drive?
She can
speak English good-Can she speak
English good? What language can she
Приклади побудови питань 2-м способом( по
схемі, з використанням допоміжних дієслів) .
З питальними словами/
Where do you live?
Where do you work? When do you wake up?
What do you learn? Why do you learn English? What do you like to
drink? How many children do you have? What
sort of music do you like?
Без питальних слів/виразів.
Do you work
here? Does he like coffee? Do you have a
car? Does she call her mother? Does she have a dog?
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